Story by : Indri Dwi
Published : November 23, 2020
Dilihat: 1852 kali

Indri Dwi adalah Seorang Trading Coach dan Profesional trader yang memiliki lebih dari 8 tahun pengalaman dalam perdagangan Emas & Forex. Keahliannya dalam trading khususnya saat menggunakan Exponential Moving Average. Indri ada disini untuk membimbing Anda dalam trading dan membantu Anda menemukan broker yang tepat dan terpercaya..

Did you know, when we trade there are many possibilities that can occur. Starting from PROFIT, to LOSS. Usually caused by many factors, starting from account problems, or mistakes in traders as executors of transactions. There are so many problems that we often think that's nothing, but after many times we will try to throw problems at others.

Often in discussions in forums, it is reviewed about broker A or broker B who are accused of plunging traders into a loss. Some of the warm conversations revealed that broker A had spent several hundred million in customer funds, or broker B had cost the client tens of thousands of dollars. From the discussion, there are important points that should be examined again. Is it true that broker A or broker B commit fraud so that the client and customer account became a loss, or even the loss arises because the trader himself made a mistake? This is what we must learn.

Mostly, this is because we often look for reasons for losses or blame brokers as an adverse party. Finding scapegoats is indeed easier than self-introspection.

Finding Reason

If we pay attention in various forums, there are traders who lose at broker A, they immediately say, "Wow, broker A is sadistic, my money runs out because of fraud he did. Maybe they use the script so that the customer loses, and the broker is profitable! city! " Then, if there is a price movement that falls sharply until there is no upward movement at all, we immediately conclude, "Wow, bro is great!"

When price volatility is difficult to predict and making an open position a little more difficult to eliminate from the market, we conclude, "Wow bro, are using scripts to slow down our orders!". When the transaction starts and for some reasons we are forced to do a cut loss, we are not thinking of the wrong thing, but instead are busy throwing errors to the broker by mentioning that the dealer is using the script so that execution is difficult to close. "Wow, my position was discovered by a broker so that I deliberately raised prices when I opened the sell so that I would do a cut loss," or "Brokers must have turned off the “metatrader” so that my pending order was hit", and many other charges were dropped on the broker.


Since childhood, most of us have been taught to look for scapegoats. When I was a child, when we were playing and falling, my mother scolded people who passed around us because they were blocking the road. Or when we walk, and hit the wall, the mother immediately pretends to hit the wall so that our tears subside. This habit is indirectly carried over to us as adults, even though we may not realize it. We will always look for scapegoats every time something goes wrong. In fact, that habit resulted in us growing into irresponsible people. And every time there is an error, we will search where to throw the error.

Stop looking for reasons and throw problems at other people. Face it, because the source of all our losses is to ourselves. Learn to always be more responsible when trading. Don't waste time and energy just to find excuses from mistakes. Simply focus on the market, pay attention to what will happen in the market. Whatever will happen to the market, that's exactly what happens to our trading. It is true, there are certain brokerage actions that are intentionally intended to cheat clients. However, they are not enough accomplices to work on each client specifically. The mistakes we make are because of our own actions. There is no need to have a reason to throw a problem at someone else, let alone blame the broker. Don't get used to looking for loopholes so that there is a scapegoat for every one of our mistakes. Face it responsibly, because our ability to overcome all the problems that arise when trading, will make us a RELIABLE TRADER.


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